Platão : a Republica - livro X : tradução, ensaio e comentario critico




This work has three objectives: (1) to present an unabridged translation of Book X of Plato s Republic; (2) to elaborate an introductory study that presents and discusses the aesthetic, metaphysical, epistemological and psychological issues raised by Plato in Book X; and (3) to contribute a critical commentary to the translation, discussing relevant aspects ofthe texto For the translation, two editions were used as sources: the one by John Burnet (Oxford University Press) and the one by Emile Chambry (Belles Lettres). For the introductory study and the critical commentary, a thorough reading of the extensive bibliography on the subject was performed Among the main commentors of Plato, I would like to mention the following: J. Adam, E. Havelock, B. Gentili, H G. Gadamer, J. Annas and A. Diés. The notes in the critical commentary have philosophical, historical, cultural, linguistic, and/or etymological natures


mimese na arte tradução e interpretação - filosofia e estetica republica - critica e interpretação arte

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