Poesia e ciência: cosmologias em A máquina do mundo repensada, de Haroldo de Campos.




The multiple relations between poetry and science are discussed through the analysis of the post-utopian epic poem A máquina do mundo repensada, by Haroldo de Campos.The work is structured in three chapters. In the first one, the relations between science and poetry are analized, demonstrating the importance of the subject, through the intervention of poets and scientists. In the second chapter, the intertextual insertions in the poem of Haroldo de Campos are tracked and debated, focusing the main scientific ideas that represent the counterpoint for the speech of the poet, such as the theories of Ptolomeu, Copérnico, Galileu, Newton, Maxwell, Laplace, Einstein, Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. In the last chapter, the work touches some of the cosmological sceneries in literature, which gravitate around the cosmopoetic machine by Haroldo De Campos, mainly works as The Divine Comedy, by Dante Aliglieri, The Lusíadas, by Camões, "A máquina do mundo", by Carlos Drummond de Andrade and The Aleph, by Jorge Luis Borges. On this part, the analysis is based on contemporary theoreticians as Gianni Vattimo, through the concept of "weak thought". In the final considerations, the ways used by Haroldo de Campos to interweave the discourses of science and poetry in the construction of another poetical cosmology are pointed out.


a máquina do mundo repensada análise do discurso literário literatura e ciência campos, haroldo de, 1929-2003 cosmologia linguistica poesia

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