Portfolio as a means to learning and its implications for a reflective teaching process / Portfólio como instrumento de aprendizagem e suas implicações para a prática pedagógica reflexiva




This present work aims at describing and analysing the inner dilemas of the process of implementation of portfolios as a means to enhance meaningful learning in a Languages Course, at a private Higher Education institution in the state of São Paulo, and of noticing how such a process can be reflected on the students pedagogical practice. This is a case study, inserted in the Research line University, Teaching and Teacher Education, part of the Masters Degree in Higher Education at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. This case study consisted in bibliographical research on the theme, followed by questionnaires handed to the students , who , at that time, were attending the second semester of their Languages course. The main contribution of this study is on the describing and understanding of an innovation in the assessment practice of Higher Education students, making it posible for them to reflect and transform their own future teaching, especially in terms of assessment.


portfólio assessment portfolio reflective teaching avaliação educacao inovação pedagógica professor reflexivo pedagogical innovations

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