Post-Translational Proteolytic Cleavage of In Vitro-Synthesized Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus RNA-Coded High-Molecular-Weight Proteins


In a reticulocyte lysate, turnip yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA directs the synthesis of two proteins with molecular weights of 150,000 (150K) and 195K. We present evidence that the larger protein is processed in vitro, after its completion, in at least three fragments. The NH2-terminal fragment (82K) and the COOH-terminal fragment (78K) have been well characterized by different methods. The fact that the 150K protein is not cleaved in vitro, although it contains the regions that are processed in the 195K protein, could be of fundamental biological significance for the expression of the viral genes: a single polypeptide chain could be processed in several ways, leading to different peptides with distinct biological activities.

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