Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) sensibility to water excess in soil. / Sensibilidade das culturas da batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) e da alface (Lactuca sativa L.) ao excesso de água no solo.
Pablo Alberto Nuñez Flecha
This work had as objectivies determinating the effects of root system flooding in three stages of growing of potato and lettuce crops, identifying the minimum water-table drawdown velocity necessary to avoid yield reductions and obtaining relations between relative yield and stress day index caused by excess of water in the soil. For these purposes two experiments were conducted in lisimeters, buit with concrete pipe, considered as parcels, from july to october of 2001, with potato crop, and from decem-ber of 2001 to january of 2002, with lettuce crop. The statistical experimental design was a complete randomizer in a factorial arrangement [(3 x 4) + 1], with four replicati-ons for potato crop and three replications for lettuce crop. For both crops the treatment consisted in 3 growing stages of water-logging application, 4 drawdown velocities (30 cm during 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours) and a control in wich was not applied the stress of rising of the water-table. The results analysis showed that among the three stages where the water-logging were applied, the one who caused bigger yield reduction was the third (applied from the 85th to the 88th day after planting), for the potato crop and the first (ap-plied from the 12th to the 15th day after re-planting), for the lettuce crop. It was not pos-sible to identify the more adequate water-table drawdown velocity because even using the biggest velocity (30 cm during 24 horas) there were a 50% yield reduction for both crops. The potato and the lettuce relative yields showed a negative linear relation with the stress day index.
drenagem agrícola lettuce waterloging lençol freático water-table encharcamento potato agricultural drainage batata alface
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