Practical pedagogical of the professor of Physical Education and the significant learning / A prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física e a aprendizagem significativa




During practical the pedagogical one he verified himself that the learning of many contents presented little resulted satisfactory, that is, in the evaluation, the pupils memorized the content or reproduced of form mechanics the movements. Thus, the necessity appeared to deepen this quarrel by means of the joint, in the lessons of Physical Education, of the content, the methodology and the evaluation to a model of learning that contributes for a pedagogical practical effective, in which the professor can concentrate its efforts in the indispensable elements to a good learning. In this perspective, the model of the Significant Learning of Ausubel, based on psychology, was used as theoretical bedding. However, this model of learning would have to associate the proposals to it of the Physical Education, that is, to interact with the productions of the area, and, thus, to reveal the possibilities of a practical significant learning in the pedagogical one. In this direction, it was necessary to analyze that teach-learning process the professors of Physical Education are providing. For this, it was considered as the professors worked with the previous knowledge of the pupils, with the material of learning and the disposal to learn, that is, as the appropriation of the knowledge in the lessons of Physical Education was happening. The general objective of the research was centered in analyzing practical the pedagogical one of professors of Physical Education who acts with pupils of Average Education, looking for to understand if this action favors the learning significant. The identification of the elements was defined as objective specific - gifts in the scienters of the professors and daily pedagogical practical its - that they propitiate the significant learning. This work was characterized as a qualitative research, with delineation of case study. Two professors of the public net of the State of São Paulo had been citizens of the research, called professor and the teaching B, that lessons in first and the second series of Average Education give, respectively; as well as the pupils of these series, in a total of 20 pupils, corresponding to the half of the total of pupils of each series. For the collection of data he opted himself to the interview with the professors and the pupils by means of semistructuralized scripts, comments of lessons and documentary analysis (proposal pedagogical used by the professors). From ownership of the data, it was proceeded the analyses. On the basis of the theoretical referencial of the research and in the reading of the collected data had emerged categories that had allowed to analyze the process of teach-learning of the Physical Education and the possibilities to unchain the significant learning, what it disclosed to the necessity of practical changes and improvement of the pedagogical ones of the professors. Finally, one expects that this research contributes for one better understanding of the teach-learning process and favors practical the pedagogical one of the professor of Physical Education in the search of a significant learning.


physical education school. significant learning. previous knowledge. material of learning. disposal to learn educação física ensino-aprendizagem professor - formação prática de ensino aprendizagem

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