Prevalence of Human Papillomaviruses - HPV in women wich were atended in SAE in Cacoal City, between 2003 and 2005 / Prevalência do papilomavírus humano - HPV em mulheres atendidas no serviço de atendimento especializado, no município de Cacoal - RO, no período de 2003 a 2005




Population subjected to poor life conditions are more vulnerable, because the social, cultural and economical inequality influence directly on the population process of becoming sick and dying, as, the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are among the more common disease causes in the world and bring sanitary, social and economical nature consequence being among the five most principal causes of looking for health services. A STD which is being spread very rapidly is the infection by the Human Papillomaviruses (HPV). The persistence of the infection by Human Papillomaviruses in high viral charge represents the main risk factor to develop the endometrial cancer. This study had as an objective to know the bulk Human Papillomaviruses prevalence HPV in women in Cacoal City RO. It was realized a descriptive side study where 31 women, HPV carriers were interviewed by questionnaire with open and close questions. In the variable analysis was used the EPI-Info 6.04 software. The subjects were interviewed in the one section, were identified risk factors of HPV and endometrial cancer and they showed the following characteristics: women at average age of 28,5 (DP= 9,49) years old, 51,5% living with a partner, with high school as Education level, predominance of 58,1 of white skin, predominant social class C (35,5%), age average at 17 (DP= 2,7) years old in the first intercourse, on average of 3,6 (DP= 2,3) partners in the sexual history, parity of 2,2 children, high prevalence of tobacco smoking 22,6%, the use of the birth pills by 54,8% of the women and the frequent use of condom by 29,0 of the women. The annual realization of the preventive exam of the endometrial cancer of the 58,1 women and 74,2 of the women discovered that they were carriers of HPV through appearing of the warts on the genitals. The speech analyses revealed a reasonable knowledge about the disease and its principal way to transmit, so, there is a need of more information about the prevention, health risk and treatment. It is concluded that the identified risk factors must direct actions towards STD prevention and stimulate sexual behavior changes in women of Cacoal City.


saúde da mulher endometrial cancer câncer de colo uterino enfermagem woman health human papillomaviruses papilomavírus humano

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