Processamento de sinais de ressonância magnética nuclear usando classificador neural para reconhecimento de carne bovina / Signal processing of nuclear magnetic resonance using neural classification for bovine meat recognition




Guaranteeing the quality of the bovine meat produced in Brazil has been a concern of the producers because it contributes to increase the export and the domestic consumption of the product. Therefore, new methods have been researched that analyze and guarantee the quality of the meat in a fast, efficient and non destructive way. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been highlighted as one of the techniques of meat quality control. In this work study artificial neural networks are being used for pattern recognition from data obtained by the resonance equipment, originating from bovine meat. More specifically, the respective data have been used by a multilayer perceptron network for extraction of bovine meat characteristics, making possible the classification of both genetic group and animal sex starting from a single meat sample. Several results of experimental tests are also presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.


nuclear magnetic resonance classificação de padrões ressonância magnética nuclear artificial neural network pattern classification redes neurais artificiais

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