Produção de histórias infantis científicas no curso de pedagogia




Early stage school teachers are seen in a very specific manner given that they have general training as they need to teach various subjects, among them, sciences. This present study seeks therefore to analyze how the process for producing childrens science stories occurs as part of activities developed by pedagogy students in the course Teaching of Sciences and Technology at a the University of Brasília. This research aims moreover to analyze how the development of this production can lead the future teacher to become interested in the Teaching of Sciences. Thus, I identify his/her expectations in relation to the course Teaching of Sciences and Technology and the Pedagogy course, his/her previous concepts on teaching and learning, Education, Teaching of Sciences and Technology. In this research that is mainly qualitative, I opted for research-action. In order to obtain data, questionnaires, field notes, observations and analysis of students written scripts in producing thematic science projects and writings from childrens science stories were used. By doing a careful reading of the data collected and articulating them with the authors used in the theoretical precepts and to clarify the questions that led to this investigation, this research showed that one of the major obstacles faced by future teachers, and perhaps the greatest in all, is to break away from the insecurity and the sense of incapacity that they bring to learning and teaching Sciences. The History and Philosophy of Science help to do away with some wrong concepts on Science and how to Teach Sciences, and hence serve as a support in producing childrens science stories. The methodology adopted throughout the research helped the students to take on a more autonomous and independent posture, leading them to adopt research attitudes as well as to review postures regarding the very learning process. Production of childrens science stories led future teachers to have a different contact with writing in this training process as well as to generate through research on the scientific content that underlies the stories, a reformulating of their initial concepts on Teaching of Sciences and Technology.


educacao formação de professores science for children teaching of sciences ensino de ciências teacher training writing of childrens science stories ciência para crianças escrita de histórias infantis científicas

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