Programa de Gestão Única da Rede Pública de Ensino de Mato Grosso: os municípios de Peixoto de Azevedo e Terra Nova do Norte : 1998 a 2002




This study has for objective to understand the implantation process and implementation of the Program of Only Administration in the Public Net of Teaching of Mato Grosso, and especially in the Municipal districts of Peixoto de Azevedo and Terra Nova do Norte, in the period from 1998 to 2002, establishing an analogy with the Municipal districts of Colíder and Carlinda, located in the same area, with some similar characteristics and that didn t stick to the program.Such understanding goes by the exam of execution of the main purpose of the Program: To "unify the public school in terms of objectives and results, eliminating the disparities in the attendance pattern, the improvement and expansion of the Public Teaching, propitiating all the children conditions of Real access to the school and that in it they stay, considering the determination in the articles 211, 212, 213 of the Federal Constitution, to Art.11, Only Paragraph of the Law n. 9.394/96 - LDB" (MATO GROSSO, 1998,p. 12), using the following indicators: evolution of the registration, the rates of school revenue (abandon, approval and reproof) and of the indexes of distortion age-series and age-conclusion. We also make an abbreviation report of the politics of valorization of the teaching in the Municipal districts of Peixoto de Azevedo and Terra Nova do Norte. The work is divided in three chapters. The first discusses the educational politics adopted for the fundamental teaching by the Government of Mato Grosso, in Dante Martins de Oliveira s two management (1995/1998 and 1999/2002), that treats the Plan of Goals of his electoral platform, with a fast synopsis of the previous governments (1987/1994); the second analyzes the program in its constitution, from 1998 to 2002, the terms of the agreements celebrated with the Municipal districts and the results obtained in the period, in agreement with the official evaluation, and in the third we more specifically stop in its implementation in the Municipal districts related, establishing an analogy of the favorable and unfavorable aspects of the Program. In the Final Considerations we presented the synthesis of the principal results starting from the analysis of the performance of the used indicators, and we suggested possible alternatives for the problems that we visualized, for futures studies.


rede pública de ensino educacao ensino fundamental fundamental teaching public teaching

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