Programa dinheiro direto na escola: o papel das unidades executoras na gestão de escolas públicas do município de Araçatuba - de 2003 a 2005.




The Money Straight to Schools Program was established by the federal government in 1995, implemented by the Ministry of Education and carried out by the Educational Development National Fund. It is based on the decentralization of federal resources, addressed to Elementary School, originated by the salary for education, as a supplementary and annual feature, distributed to state, municipal and district schools, as well as to schools of Special Education, maintained by non-govern organizations with no profit purposes, according to the number of pupils registered in the school Census in the previous year. To receive the resources from the Program, each school must create, compulsorily, its Executive Unit. This research aims to investigate the role of Parents and Teachers Associations in two state schools and one municipal school, in Aracatuba City from 2003 to 2005. The investigation is based on official documents, related to the period of Money Straight to Schools Program implantation and implementation: Director Plan for State Reform (1995); Lei n 9.394/1996, National Educational Law ; official documents and manuals published by FNDE (National Fund for Educational Development), besides open and semi-structured interviews with technicians, headteachers, parents, and teachers who belong to Parents and Teachers Associations. The Program analysis facilitates the understanding of Brazilian educational policy during the 1990. The final results highlight the role of the Parents and Teachers Associations for both state and municipal schools, while the Program UEX role is to manage and control the resources transferred by the FNDE to state schools, in order to improve the program application.


executive units. educacao política educacional educational policy unidades executoras. money straight to school program programa dinheiro direto na escola

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