Projetos empresariais na área de educação: um processo de inclusão social




The world transformations affected and made important changing of the social universe, as well as labor and production, the people routines and theirs institutions. One of these institutions that need to be revisited is education and its capacity of producing social inclusion. At the same time, the companies started to develop efforts in this new context giving financial support or implementing directly social projects mainly focused in education. This research focused in the companies that make part of the Grupo de Institutos, Fundações e Empresas GIFE as associated, to find out the intentionality of the social insertion promoted by educational projects conducted by these companies. There was observed that effectively, the greatest part of the implemented projects are directed toward education, and are destined mainly for children and teenagers, and by this way, focused on basic education. At the same time, as there is the desire to promote some kind of social change on these projects, it was not possible to verify the intentionality of the inclusion itself. There are diverse pressures and motivations leading these companies to work in education and for this public, not being possible to ensure if really exists a conscience of these companies about theirs actions and impacts of those actions. There is an open space for more detailed researches about this reality which time is more present in the day to day of Brazilian education, with lots of projects, lots of people achieved and important investment allocated.


mudança social company projects social responsibility educação responsabilidade social social investmen social inclusion education inclusão social projetos empresariais ciências sociais aplicadas investimentos sociais social change

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