Promoters and processing sites within the transforming region of bovine papillomavirus type 1.


The mRNAs present in bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1)-transformed C127 cells were studied by primer extension. The results show that two internal promoters are present in the E region of BPV-1 in addition to the previously identified promoter at coordinate 1 (H. Ahola, A. Stenlund, J. Moreno-López, and U. Pettersson, Nucleic Acids Res. 11:2639-2650, 1983). One, located at coordinate 31, generated a set of mRNAs with heterogeneous 5' ends, which may encode the major transforming protein of BPV-1, the E5 protein. The second promoter, which is located at coordinate 39, generates colinear mRNAs which encode either the E4 protein or a truncated form of the E2 protein. Unlike the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (O. Danos, E. Georges, G. Orth, and M. Yaniv, J. Virol. 53:735-741, 1985), BPV-1 appears to lack a separate promoter for expression of the E7 protein. The major splice sites in the transforming region (E region) of the BPV-1 genome were also identified by nucleotide sequence analysis.

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