Propuesta organizacional de un archivo de gestión para organizaciones empresariales


Ciência da Informação




Nowadays the effective administration of the resources of information and documentation in the enterprises generates the search of practical and successful solutions. The present article approaches the fundamental role that files have had, from the antiquity until the present time, and their influences on the functions that develop the managerial organizations, as an indispensable element for their continuous changes. It has been an investigation carried out in the Architecture and Industry Construction Enterprise 8 (ECOAI) of the Camagüey territory. It proposes the organization of a file of administration with their respective phases of: Analysis, Design and Implementation. Each one has a plan of specific performance. The proposal keeps in mind the existent interrelation between phases and stages based on a systemic focus for the purpose of organizing, preserving and diffusing the documentation as strategic part of the documental patrimony of the organization. The final considerations are presented on the application of the proposal in the Cuban managerial atmosphere.

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