Prospecção de implementação de ensino à distância  para a disciplina de fundamentos de física nuclear na Pós- Graduação  do Ipen  utilizando  infra - estrutura de software livre / PROSPECTION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING FOR THE COURSE ON FUNDAMENTALS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS AT THE GRADUATE COURSE OF IPEN USING FREE SOFTWARE INFRA-STRUCTURE




In modern society, the utilization of technological resources and of the internet are of fundamental importance in all areas and as such the educational activities have to follow this evolution. In this context, distance learning is a fundamental tool for educational development, being innovative and stimulating , offering a variety of resources that are complementary to the activities of the students. Also it is important to point out that distance learning can be brought to remote regions, of difficult access in many cases, so allowing a wide dissemination of knowledge and also implying in lower costs. The objective of this work is the prospection of the interest and viability of implantation of distance learning in the course on Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics at the graduate course of IPEN, using free software infra-structure , by means of a pilot project on distance learning. The work was developed in three phases. In the first phase, a questionnaire was applied to the students , with the aim of finding out about their profiles and interest in distance learning, before they had contact with the pilot project. In the second phase, other students were interviewed ,also with the objective of knowing their opinion about distance learning ,but after they had access to the pilot project. Finally,the professors of the graduate course of IPEN were consulted, also by means of a questionnaire, in order to know about their interest in the utilization of distance learning. The results obtained in the present work show that distance learning is a welcome pedagogical resource for students as well for teachers; these results will subsidize the future implementation of distance learning in the graduate course of IPEN.


fundamentos de física nuclear software livre fundamentos de física nuclear ensino a distância ensino a distância software livre

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