Proteolytic processing of reovirus is required for adherence to intestinal M cells.


Reovirus adheres specifically to apical membranes of mouse intestinal M cells and exploits M-cell transepithelial transport activity to enter Peyer's patch mucosa, where replication occurs. Proteolytic conversion of native reovirus to intermediate subviral particles (ISVPs) occurs in the intestine, but it is not known whether conversion is essential for interaction of virus with M cells. We tested the capacity of native virions, ISVPs, and cores (that lack outer capsid proteins) to bind to intestinal epithelial cells in vivo and found that only ISVPs adhered to M cells. Thus, intraluminal conversion of native reovirus to ISVPs is a prerequisite for M-cell adherence, and outer capsid proteins unique to ISVPs (either sigma 1 or products of mu 1) mediate interaction of virus with M-cell apical membranes.

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