QTL mapping for tick resistence, birth weight and weight after sixty days on chromossome 23 from F2 design breeding of bovines Holstein x Gir. / Mapeamento de QTL para características de resistência a carrapato, peso ao nascimento e peso a desmama no cromossomo 23 de bovinos da geração F2, cruzamento Holandês x GIR.




A F2 design population had been developed from the breeding between four male holstein with twenty eight female Gir, generating a F1 with one hundred and fifty animals, from these sample four male have been chosen based on their fertility for matching. They have been breed with sixty eight females, producing the F2 generation with about four hundred individuals. Phenotypic data has been collected for tick accounting, birth weight and weight after sixty days for individuals on F2. Over than two hundred and ninety animals had their phenotypic measured for those characteristics with the exception of the tick accounting. On this case, only one hundred sixty seven were measured. The parental and F1 generations were genotyped for five microsatellite markers positioned on chromosome 23. After the determination of the markers information degree, all the F2 animals available were genotyped for the five markers. Under the genotyping results was constructed the linkage map for this markers on chromosome 23. After the log transformation for tick accounting and the rank transformation both adjusts was used for QTL mapping by the regression method based on minimum ordinary least squares, using the QTL Express software, were not found any QTL associated for any studied characteristics. The small sample of animals used for tick accounting could have biased the results. Other analyses must be taken over this population; not only to complete the present study, but also to create new sort of studies on characteristics related on ecto and endo parasites.


cattle resistência genética animal melhoramento genético animal breeding cromossomo fisiologia animal chromosome genetic resistance bovino genetic mapping carrapato mapeamento genético cruzamento parasitologia veterinária ticks

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