Quando a pobreza lhes rouba os filhos: a pobreza como determinante da perda do poder familiar




This dissertation seeks to verify the correlation between poverty and the loss of childrenâs custody to the state, despite the fact that the law dictates that poverty is not in itself enough reason for losing childâs custody, and that families in this case must be included in governmental aid programs. A court case, deliberated in 2005 by the 2nd conference of children and youth of Recife (2Â Vara da Infancia e Juventude da Capital), at which there was an intervention by the Center of Support to Family Reintegration (Nucleo de Apoio a Reintegracao Familiar), was studied. For this study case, poverty and lack of proper childâs care were determining factors for the change of custody, as the State was absent and reticent about assistency to the family in question, and at the same time quick in taking the custody away from the impoverished parents


servico social poverty pobreza family childâs custody famÃlia destituiÃÃo do poder familiar

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