Questões sobre questões de leitura




This work presents a matrix of questions designed to assess reading comprehension. Such matrix was conceived throughout the researcher s professional experience in teaching French as Foreign Language and in planning and correcting exams to assess reading proficiency in a foreign language. The matrix was used to analyze the aswers to questions in foreign language reading sections of university admission exarns as well as answers to questions on reading comprehension that were part of a research toei devised for the present research. The subjects were native speakers of Portuguese and French. There is evidence that difficulties in either first or foreign language texts are not only caused by lack of knowledge of linguistic resources in the strict sense. They are more a result of both the readers difficulties inserting - themselves into the discourse of the texts being readand the reading practices that take place at school, where evaluation procedures ofien foster linear reading processes


lingua francesa - estudo e ensino - avaliação linguagem materna - estudo e ensino - avaliação analise do discurso leitura - avaliação aprendizagem

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