¿Quién teme a la psicología feminista? Reflexiones sobre las construcciones discursivas de profesores, estudiantes y profesionales de psicología para que cuando el género entre en el aula, el feminismo no salga por la ventana






This text provides a discussion on the inclusion of gender in psychology from the discoursive constructions obtained in a qualitative investigation about students', teachers' and professionals' opinions. Since most people who support this idea relate "gender" to "sexual difference", based on to the positivist and dualistic tradition, its capacity of transformation is neutralized. In discoursive terms, this "uncommitted" version of gender is dissociated from social feminism and the feminist epistemologies that generate great resistance and fear. As it will be explained, a positivist kind of psychology with supposed neutrality and objectivity, as well as the continuous character of an androcentric and ethnocentric imaginary field, makes it difficult to question a kind of psychology that is little sensitive to power relations. Finally, there is a proposal of combining the analysis of a hidden curriculum with the understanding of argumentation and beliefs that consist part of everyday teaching and working with psychology. This way, it is possible to resume the mechanisms of science (re)production and diffusion with the academic and profesional relations and interactions that are characterized by the sex-gender system and operate discourse and action in a complex way, in the combinations of science and ideology.

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