(Re) construindo a noção de estratégias de aprendizagem de língua estrangeira em contexto interacional de sala de aula.




This dissertation aimed at identifying language learning strategies contribuitions, namely the metacognitive ones, in order to help student overcome difficulties in their learning process. For so, it was necessary to map the difficulties they mentioned while they were practicing their oral skill as well as to observe if there was a counciousness raising of the strategy usage. For achieving such objectives, this work was based on ethnographic methodology in which questionnaires, participant observation, interviews and diaries were possible to use. The research was carried out in a formal setting at Curso de Extensão delíngua inglesa da UFBA with a grupo formed by twenty one students where most of them had a scholarship. The research also showed, as the main result, socioaffective interaction as one of the main factors that can contribute or constrain learning.


metacognição metacognition estratégias de aprendizagem interação language learning strategies interaction letras

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