Reactivative Action of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid or Dipicolinic Acid on Inactive Glucose Dehydrogenase Obtained from Heated Spores of Bacillus subtilis1


Partially purified inactive glucose dehydrogenase obtained from spores which were heated at 87 or 90 C for 30 min is converted to an active from by the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, dipicolinic acid, or some salts. The molecular weight of the inactive glucose dehydrogenase in the heated spores is about one-half of that of the active glucose dehydrogenase in the intact resting spores. The possibility is discussed that the active glucose dehydrogenase in the intact resting spores divides into subunits and is converted to stable and inactive form during heating of spores at a particular range of temperature (87 to 90 C).

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