Realidades e potencialidades do Distrito de Capão Redondo, SP: estudo de caso sobre o lazer local




This work is an approach to the realities and potentials of Capão Redondo district, located in the south of São Paulo, focusing on the existing leisure forms available to its inhabitants, specially the ones in the age group between seven and sixteen years old. The deductive method was the essential instrument for this search analyses, seeking for necessary information to the issue clarification considering the local reality data. It is developed through theoretical and methodological approaches that refer to the concepts involved by the word leisure, the process which resulted on the current structure of the outskirts of São Paulo and also analyses of the factors that can influence or condition the children and adolescents way of living. The fact that the crime rate in the searched district remains, for decades, as one of the highest in the capital of São Paulo, has motivated the investigations, in an attempt to obtain a more comprehensive knowledge about the causes that could lead to the reproduction of violence in this locality, as well as find out how impressive this reality can be for its residents still in formation. One hundred percent of urbanization of Capão Redondo constitute determining factor for the lack of local structure that could enable the exercise of specific activities using free time, which contributes to the increase of its population vulnerability to the various risks present in the local daily life. Yet, in this district, there is a green area of one hundred and thirty-four thousand square meters: the Santo Dias Park, with potential to the development of actions that can promote a good coexisting between its residents. In the analyses, among the factors that can contribute to the violence maintenance in Capão Redondo, it was discovered that the opposition between rich and poor young people is solidified by the lack of spaces or situations of acquaintance between them, in the cities. In this way, basically, this study proposes the energizing of the Santo Dias Park, as an interventionist measure for the subtraction of the exposure time of children and adolescents in inappropriate places and also, first of all, to promote the contact and conviviality between the individuals of the District different social levels


lazer criminalidade adolescents capao redondo (sao paulo, sp) -- aspectos sociais geografia criminality lazer -- capao redondo (sao paulo, sp) leisure adolescência

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