Rearrangements of chicken immunoglobulin genes in lymphoid cells transformed by the avian retroviral oncogene v-rel.


The retroviral oncogene v-rel transforms poorly characterized lymphoid cells. We have explored the nature of these cells by analyzing the configuration and expression of immunoglobulin genes in chicken hemopoietic cells transformed by v-rel. None of the transformed cells expressed their immunoglobulin genes. The cells fell into three classes: class I cells have their immunoglobulin genes potentially in an embryonic configuration; class II and class III cells have lost one copy of the lambda light chain locus and have one copy of the heavy chain locus rearranged into a configuration that differs from what is found in mature B cells. In class II cells, the other heavy chain locus may be in embryonic configuration, whereas it is deleted in class III cells. The first of these classes may represent the earliest stage of the lymphoid lineage yet encountered among virus-transformed cells, whereas the second and third classes represent an apparently anomalous rearrangement whose origin remains unknown.

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