Regrowth dynamics of mombaça grass pastures submitted to intermittent defoliation regimes. / Dinâmica da rebrotação de pastos de capim-mombaça submetidos a regimes de desfolhação intermitente.




Grazing management is a key element determining the utilization efficiency and the nutritive value of the herbage produced. This study aimed at evaluating and describing the dynamics of herbage accumulation in Mombaça grass pastures submitted to intermittent defoliation regimes. The experiment was carried out at Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Araras, SP, from January 2001 to February 2002. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two grazing intensities (30 and 50 cm post-grazing height) and two grazing intervals (grazing initiated at 95 and 100% canopy light interception – LI) and were allocated to experimental units according to a complete randomized block design, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with 4 replicates. The following responses were measured in all grazing cycles: sward height, sward leaf area index and herbage mass, tiller population density and tiller weight, leaf and stem elongation and senescence rates, losses due to grazing and morphological composition of the herbage. Measurements were performed immediately after grazing (post-grazing condition) and at 20 cm increments in sward height during regrowth until the next grazing (pre-grazing condition). Sward height proved to be a satisfactory parameter for determining the timing of grazing in field conditions, since 95 or 100% canopy light interception occurred consistently at 90 or 115 cm, respectively, throughout the experimental period regardless of plants physiological state (vegetative or reproductive). The 95% LI treatments resulted in bigger number of grazings (7.6) than the 100% LI treatments (5.9) (P<0.10) during the 411 days of experiment, that being a consequence of the resulting different intervals between grazings (24 and 35 days for 95 and 100% LI, respectively, during the spring/summer period) (P<0.10). This difference was big enough to cause changes in production and morphological composition of the herbage, dynamics of herbage accumulation, tiller demography patterns and losses due to grazing. Net accumulation of leaf dry matter was 6300 kg ha -1 higher when grazings were performed with 95% LI. From this point, leaf elongation rates decreased (30 to 20 mg tiller -1 day -1 ) (P<0.10) and stem elongation (0.24 to 0.42 mg tiller -1 day -1 ) (P<0.10) and senescence rates (9.3 to 18.2 mg tiller -1 day -1 ) increased considerably (P<0.10), influencing negatively the sward structure at the pre-grazing condition (higher proportion of stem and dead material) and increasing the difficulty of accomplishing the specified post-grazing targets, particularly for the 30 cm residue. The defoliation treatment characterized by grazings at 95% canopy light interception (90 cm sward surface height) and 30 cm residue resulted in the highest herbage dry matter production (25,900 kg ha -1 ) and utilization efficiency (82%).


regrowth. desfolha mombaça grass pastejo (manejo) capim mombaça defoliation rebrota. grazing (management)

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