Relação entre perfil socioeconômico, desempenho escolar e evasão de alunos: escolas do campo e municípios rurais no estado de São Paulo / The relation between the socioeconomic profile, school performance and dropout of students: Rural schools and the rural municipalities in São Paulo State


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The emergence of participatory public policies showed the need to promote public education in order to provide the basic knowledge for the exercise of citizenship. In this context is emphasized the discussion of education for minorities, among which stands out the rural population. This rural population has gained better proportions in the agenda of public policies mainly due to the movement \"For a Rural Education\" which has existed since the 1990s and has been strengthened. This study aimed to set up public policies for Rural Education and compare the relationship between the variables: a) socio-economic profile, b) dropout rate and c) academic performance of elementary schools (4th and 8th grade) municipal and state from the State of São Paulo in the Prova Brasil (2007 and 2009), School Census (2009) and IDEB (2007 and 2009) provided by INEP. The proposal is still based in discussions of some authors who have studied the definition of rural and urban environment, and argue that the boundaries between the two environments is not fixed, and many districts classified as urban by the IBGE have predominantly rural characteristics. Outstanding feature of this debate a new concept proposed by Veiga (2003), the rural municipalities. This criterion and IBGE criterion were used in this study to compare indicators of schools in the state of São Paulo. The study was conducted in three stages, the first was qualitative and based in secondary data in order to identify educational policies aimed at rural reality and also how to select municipalities that fit the profile defined as rural municipalities, the second match compilation and organization of databases, and the third stage, predominantly quantitative refers to analysis of the banks by descriptive statistics and mean difference (ANOVA, T test , Bonferroni test). The results point to changes that have occurred in public education policies, which recently began to consider the Rural Schools as a reality to be considered. The performance indicators (average score of schools in Prova Brasil and IDEB) identifies that rural schools have lower performance when they are classified by the IBGE criterion. Its important to consider, however, that in this classification, the number of schools considered rural is very small, damaging comparison. When considering the typology proposed by Veiga, the result is reversed, it appears that the schools of rural municipalities have good performance. Following this typology, the number of schools assessed as rural municipalities is more balanced, allowing a fairer comparison. With regard to the analysis of performance according to the profile of students defined by the percentage of students who live in the countryside (from what the students said in the school census questionnaires), it is found that school performance is reduced as increases the percentage of students from rural areas, showing that, as discussed by Arroyo (2011), the mixture of students from unequal realities reflected in uneven performance within schools. Finally, when comparing performance with the socioeconomic status of schools, it is verified that the improvement of socio-economic indicator of the school has a direct impact on student performance, and as the socioeconomic indicator of school increases, academic performance improves.


educação do campo educação pública políticas públicas public education public policy rural education

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