Remote sensing and GIS for cotton crop analysis in Campo Verde and Primavera do Leste - Mato Grosso state, Brazil / Sensoriamento remoto e SIG na análise da cotonicultura nos municípios de Campo Verde e Primavera do Leste - MT




Cotton represents 50% of textil fiber used around the world. In the second half of the 90s a new system production allowed the cotton transfer to Cerrado region. In this regard, it is necessary to count on reliable information that allows to analyze the cotton crop in this region. In this context, the hypothesis of this work was that remote sensing data and GIS allow the identification and mapping of cotton crop. The main objective of this research is to develop a metodology to analyze the cotton space-temporal evolution in Campo Verde and Primavera do Leste. Other objectives were: to analize the multitemporal spectral behavior of the main winter crops, to define the land use changes 1985 to 2006 and to develop a technique based on remote sensing and GIS to evaluate the agriculture violation of the Brazilian Forest Code. We use orbital and laborartory data to analize the multitemporal spectral behavior. Two temporal scales were considered: season and multiyear. In the season scale we tested some techniques to differentiate cotton from other crops. For the multiyear scale it was defined cotton, forest and cerrado and their multitemporal dynamic. We used Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data to outline the limits of the permanent preservation areas and calculate the violation to the Brazilian Forest Code. The spectrotemporal analysis of cotton and winter cultures supplied important information to define the main spectral confusions between crops and the better periods for their identification. The global accuracy for the five sazonal techniques tested were statististically similar. In this way we selected the technique of classification of the April image as the better because it was the easiest of among the five. In the multiyear approach we could model the cotton evolution during 1985-2006 period timeframe. Remote sensing data analysis in a GIS environment allowed to evaluate the agriculture infraction of the Brazilian Forest Code. We detected that cotton crop occupied few permanent preservation areas in the period considered. Finally, the cotton areas that were against the Brazilian Forest Code represented a minimum fraction of the total cotton cultived.


código florestal brasileiro cotton algodão spectrum analysis sensoriamento remoto mato grosso (state) análise multitemporal multitemporal análise espectral brazilian forest cod remote sensing temporal resolution

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