Reovirus-induced modification of cap-dependent translation in infected L cells.


The translational apparatus in cell-free extracts prepared from L cells infected with reovirus undergoes a time-dependent transition from cap dependence to cap independence. Extracts from uninfected L cells translate capped reovirus mRNA at high efficiency and synthesize the expected three size classes of reovirus polypeptides, and the translation is sensitive to m7G(5')ppp. This same extract translates uncapped mRNA at a much lower efficiency. In contrast, extracts from infected L cells translate uncapped reovirus mRNA at high efficiency and synthesize the correct three size classes of polypeptides, and the translation is not sensitive to inhibition by m7G(5')ppp. Infected cell extracts translate capped mRNA at reduced efficiency (a,proximately 25%), the translation is not sensitive to inhibition by m7G(5')ppp, and the correct three size classes of viral polypeptides are not synthesized. These observations may explain how reovirus takes over the host translational apparatus.

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