Replication and Recombination of Gene 59 Mutant of Bacteriophage T4D


After infection of Escherichia coli B with phage T4D carrying an amber mutation in gene 59, recombination between two rII markers is reduced two- to three-fold. This level of recombination deficiency persists even when burst size similar to wild type is induced by the suppression of the mutant DNA-arrest phenotype. In the background of two other DNA-arrest mutants in genes 46 and 47, a 10- to 11-fold reduction in recombination is observed. The cumulative effect of gene 59 mutation on gene 46-47 mutant suggests that complicated interactions must occur in the production of genetic recombinants. The DNA-arrest phenotype of gene 59 mutant can be suppressed by inhibiting the synthesis of late phage proteins. Under these conditions, DNA replicative intermediates similar to those associated with wild-type infection are induced. Synthesis of late phage proteins, however, results in the degradation of mutant 200S replicative intermediate into 63S DNA molecules even in the absence of capsid assembly. Although these 63S molecules are associated with membrane, they do not replicate. These results suggest a role for gene 59 product, in addition to a possible requirement of concatemeric DNA in late replication of phage T4 DNA.

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