Respiratory Syncytial Virus Genetic and Antigenic Diversity


American Society for Microbiology


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of viral lower respiratory tract infections among infants and young children in both developing and developed countries. There are two major antigenic groups of RSV, A and B, and additional antigenic variability occurs within the groups. The most extensive antigenic and genetic diversity is found in the attachment glycoprotein, G. During individual epidemic periods, viruses of both antigenic groups may cocirculate or viruses of one group may predominate. When there are consecutive annual epidemics in which the same group predominates, the dominant viruses are genetically different from year to year. The antigenic differences that occur among these viruses may contribute to the ability of RSV to establish reinfections throughout life. The differences between the two groups have led to vaccine development strategies that should provide protection against both antigenic groups. The ability to discern intergroup and intragroup differences has increased the power of epidemiologic investigations of RSV. Future studies should expand our understanding of the molecular evolution of RSV and continue to contribute to the process of vaccine development.

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