Ressonadores de microdiscos com região ativa nanoestruturada bombeados por injeção eletrônica / Microdisk resonators with nanostructured active region pumped by electronic injection




This doctorate¿s thesis presents the growth of InAs quantum dots directly on high bandgap InGaAsP (?g=1420 nm) barriers to be used as the active region of microdisk resonators with emission in the C-band (1520¿1570 nm). Based on photoluminescence and atomic force microscopy experiments, the occurrence of inter-diffusion on the InAs/InGaAsP interface is calculated, suggesting the presence of Gallium and Phosphorus in the quantum dots (QDs) composition. Based also on the inter-diffusion results, the optical gain of the InAs QDs is calculated. Subsequently, microdisk resonator whispering gallery modes (WGMs) are calculated and employed to predicting the cavity quality and confinement factors, as well as the threshold current. A PIN diode with an active region based on InAs QDs was grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) for the fabrication of current injected microdisk resonators. Microdisk fabrication process is performed using photolithography, reactive ion etching and InP selective wet-etching. Focused ion beam is used to replace the plasma etching in order to reduce the roughness of the disk¿s edge. Microdisks resonators are characterized electrically and optically and the measurements are analyzed based on the theoretical results presented along this thesis. Based on these measurements, optical losses caused by disk¿s edge roughness and local heating are added to our simulation tool, resulting in better agreement with the experimental results. Finally, we present the development of hybrid resonators using organic polymer deposited directly on inorganic microdisks integrating an organic active medium with inorganic resonators for optoelectronic applications. These results were obtained during our work at the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL) and the University of Salento (Lecce/Italy)


ressonadores microdisco pontos quânticos semicondutores iii-v lasers nanoestrutura modos ressonantes resonators microdisk quantum dots iii-v semicondutors nanostructures whispering gallery modes

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