Retorno ao estro pós-parto em ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e desempenho ponderal dos cordeiros: influência do manejo da alimentação e da amamentação




The return to the estrus and the postpartum weight of 60 Santa Inês ewe, as well as the lambs weight, from June to November of 2004 and 2005, were studied in Campo Maior (4 46 S and 4207 W), PI, Northeastern Region of Brazil. Blood samples were taken for the analysis of P4 and PRL in the sanguine plasma, at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after the partum. The ewe were weighted at the partum, and at 28, 56 and 84 days after. The lambs were weighted from the birth to the weaning, at 28 days interval. The completely randomized experimental design was used, in a factorial arrangement 2x2, the factors being absence x presence of alimentary supplementation and continuous x controlled suckling. The averages were compared by the Ducan test, at 5%. The period from partum to the first postpartum estrus was shorter (p<0.05) for the ewe under supplementation and controlled suckling treatment. There was not effect (p>0,05) of the type of partum nor suckling on the progesterone concentrations. Higher prolactin concentrations (p<0.05) were observed in the ewe of double partum and also in those under controlled suckling. . From 28 to the 84 days postpartum, the supplemented ewe presented higher weight (p <0,05) than the ones not supplemented, but the weight of the ewe, from the partum to 84 days after, was not affected (p>0.05) by the type of suckling. The average percentage of lamb survival was 95,74%, being not affected (p>0.05) by the suckling nor by the ewe supplementation treatments. The lambs from single birth present higher (p <0,05) weight from birth to weaning, in relation to those from double birth. The male lambs birth weight is higher that the females (p <0,05). The suckling type do not affect the weight of the lambs and ewe. The ewe supplemented during the postpartum and raising suckling controlled lambs present earlier postpartum first estrus. For the ewe, the critical period of body weight loss, in the postpartum, is the 28 first days.


anestro reprodução amamentação controlada amamentação contínua hormone. hormônio. reproduction medicina veterinaria continuous suckling, controlled suckling anoestrus

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