Robustez em um sistema de detecção e rastreamento de olhos para implementação de uma interface humano-computador.


Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do Mackenzie




Eye tracking is an important issue for Human Computer interaction, mainly for users with hand-eye coordination problems. The work presented here shows a low cost and robust eye tracking system capable to work with an HD stream. The implementations used in this work over the base system present diferent techniques in all stages, from face detection to iris detection. Local processing is used in most stages in this implementation, delimiting the region of interest (ROI) for face detection, eye detection and iris detection. The system robustness allow the eye tracking system to control the mouse using eye movements allowing disable users to communicate through a communication interface. The hardware required is simple and based in an high definition webcam. The face detection and eye detection processes are based on the Viola Jones technique; iris detection and tracking are based on the Hough Transform. The usage of local processing reduces the computational cost and even working with high definition stream leads to a performance 33% better than the base system. The system presented here was compared with a commercial system and a set of equipment were tested in order to dene the best set up for the eye tracking system and to validate the work presented here. Future work is presented at the end in order to allow the project continuity.


ihc visão computacional rastreamento da íris extração de características problemas motores região de interesse hic computer vision iris tracking feature extraction disable users region of interest cnpq::engenharias::engenharia eletrica

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