Role of small molecules in regulation of D-serine deaminase synthesis.


Cyclic AMP is required for optimal synthesis of D-serine deaminase synthesis from dsdO+ templates and for optimal hyperinducible synthesis from low constitutive dsdO templates both in vitro and in vivo. Neither D-serine, cyclic AMP, nor dsdC activator has an effect on expression of a high constitutive dsdO template. The synthesis of the dsdC activator itself in vitro is independent of cyclic AMP. Guanosine tetraphosphate does not have a significant effect on in vitro D-serine deaminase synthesis from dsdO+ or dsdO templates. A previously described class of dsdO mutants showing partial catabolite sensitivity of constitutive D-serine deaminase synthesis proved to be low dsdO types. They all contain a low constitutive dsdC mutation; the two effects are additive with regard to level of constitutivity, but only that portion of synthesis attributable to the dsdC mutation is cyclic AMP dependent.

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