Saber é Poder?: a psicologia do trabalho e os modos operatórios de educadores de educação profissional em cursos livres




The present work intends to deepen the knowledge around the activity developed for the Educators who act in the field of the Professional Education of short duration, also call of initial or basic level. For in such a way, it appeals to the deriving methodology of the Psychology of the Work, more necessarily that one based on the workmanship of Yves Clot, known as clinical of the activity. This methodological orientation, of strong vygotskian inspiration, appeals the qualitative techniques of inquiry, as the register in video of the activity of the workers and its posterior confrontation, made in such a way for the proper Educators (direct auto-confrontation) how much for others partners/co- workers (crossed auto-confrontation). The empirical inquiry observed five programs of Professional Education developed by different institutions in the region metropolitan of Belo Horizonte, being three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), an initiative of the municipal public power and an initiative developed through partnership between the public sector and a NGO. The results had indicated the strong prevalence of subjective aspects in the construction of the professional sort that we stipulate to call Educators of Professional Education, thus confirming the estimated ones of Clot (2006) of that the sort strong is influenced by the professional style. The analyses of the data gotten through the filmings, confrontations, interviews and documentary research also suggest the strong convergence enter the Psychology of the Work and the Critical Pedagogy, allowing to recommend the deepening of the qualitative inquiries around the initiatives come back toward the Professional Education of basic level, as much those promoted by the public power how much those originary ones of the civil society. Finally, this work allows to strengthen the recommendation of that the public politics in the field of the Professional Education of initial level offer to greater attention for the contributions of the workers who execute them.


educação para o trabalho educação aspectos sociais  teses organizações não-governamentais trabalho ensino profissional trabalhadores  aspectos sociais

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