Sapientia e uirtus : principios fundamentais no estoicismo de Seneca / Sapientia and uirtus: main principles in Seneca s stoicism




The concepts of sapientia and uirtus in Seneca (4 b.C. ? 65 a. C.) permeates a great part of his works, seeing that, sometimes, they are strongly linked: it seems to be difficult to think about an assumed relation of subordination between the subjects of wisdom and virtue in themselves; nevertheless, the form both get conjugated in this author?s works incites us to question if the man?s final goal is virtue through wisdom or wisdom through virtue. The stoic philosophy is well known by the fact of subjudging the logic and even physics to ethics: as Seneca himself proclaims, it would be useless if it could not be used in daily life. And, precisely on its ambit, these categories are developed on the author?s writings. Therefore, at first sight, it tends to consider that, for the philosopher, wisdom would be subordinated to virtue. Our research was divided into three steps: selection and translation of Seneca?s epistles that expose his conceivings about the two concepts; elaboration of explicative notes and an introductory study about the relation between being a wise man and the virtue, in a context where the philosopher inserts himself


filosofia philosophy epistles estoicos stoics conduta moral epistola latina

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