Segregation of Recombinant Chromatids following Mitotic Crossing over in Yeast


It has long been assumed that chromatid segregation following mitotic crossing over in yeast is random, with the recombinant chromatids segregating to opposite poles of the cell (x-segregation) or to the same pole of the cell (z-segregation) with equal frequency. X-segregation events can be readily identified because heterozygous markers distal to the point of the exchange are reduced to homozygosity. Z-segregation events yield daughter cells which are identical phenotypically to nonrecombinant cells and thus can only be identified by the altered linkage relationships of genetic markers on opposite sides of the exchange. We have systematically examined the segregation patterns of chromatids with a spontaneous mitotic exchange in the CEN5-CAN1 interval on chromosome V. We find that the number of x-segregation events is equal to the number of z-segregations, thus demonstrating that chromatid segregation is indeed random. In addition, we have found that at least 5% of the cells selected for a recombination event on chromosome V are trisomic for this chromosome, indicating a strong association between mitotic recombination and chromosome nondisjunction.

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