Selection with Gene-Cytoplasm Interactions. II. Maintenance of Gynodioecy


Gynodioecy is apparently frequently inherited through gene-cytoplasm interactions. General conditions for the protectedness of gene-cytoplasm polymorphisms for a biallelic model with two cytoplasm types were obtained previously, and these are applied to seven special cases of gene-cytoplasm interactions controlling gynodioecy and involving dominance. It is assumed that nuclear polymorphisms cannot be maintained in one cytoplasm type only. It is held that pure cytoplasmic inheritance of gynodioecy without nuclear interactions is unlikely, and it is shown that gynodioecy with gene-cytoplasm interactions is easier to establish than purely nuclear gynodioecy, for monogenic biallelic dominant or recessive inheritance. For three special cases, a resource-allocation model with simple assumptions always leads to conditions for protectedness of gynodioecy.

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