Selective Distribution of a High-Affinity Plasminogen-Binding Site among Group A Streptococci Associated with Impetigo


American Society for Microbiology


Group A streptococci can be classified according to their tendency to cause either impetigo, pharyngitis, or both types of infection. Genotypic markers for tissue site preference lie within emm genes, which encode fibrillar surface proteins that play a key role in virulence. emm gene products (M and M-like proteins) display an extensive array of binding activities for tissue and plasma proteins of the human host. In a previous study, a high-affinity binding site for human plasmin(ogen) was mapped to the emm53 gene product. In this report, a structurally similar plasminogen-binding domain is found to be widely and selectively distributed among group A streptococci harboring the emm gene marker for the skin as the preferred tissue site for infection. The findings are highly suggestive of a central role for bacterial modulation of host plasmin(ogen) during localized infection at the epidermis.

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