Sequence Homology at the 5′-Termini of Insect Messenger RNAs


Treatment of insect polyribosomes with 1 M KCl released a messenger ribonucleoprotein with a pronounced 16S peak. Phenol extraction resulted in a defined peak of 10S RNA, which was judged as mRNA by the following criteria: it showed specificity for binding to ribosomes, and the formation of initiation complex was dependent on protein initiation factors, GTP, mRNA, and aminoacyl-tRNA. The complex directed protein synthesis upon the addition of elongation factors. mRNA was treated with phosphatase and phosphorylated at the 5′-end with [32P]cyanoethylphosphate. [32P]mRNA was digested by T1 ribonuclease to completion and chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose. The only fragment with 32P was 15 nucleotides long; it was treated with pancreatic ribonuclease and fingerprinted. Fractions of AC, AAC, and AAAC were found. Initiation signal AUG or GUG in these mRNAs does not begin immediately at the 5′-end and may be at a distance greater than 15 nucleotides. Alkaline hydrolysis of mRNAs labeled in vivo with [14C]adenosine revealed Ap and pppAp. Alkaline hydrolysis of mRNA labeled with 32P at the 5′-terminus resulted in pAp. Hence, these results suggest that in a heterogeneous population of mRNAs from insects, all start with A and have sequence homology at the 5′-termini. This sequence may reflect the signal for RNA polymerase on the gene or may promote the binding of mRNA to ribosomes.

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