Simian virus 40 mutant T antigens with relaxed specificity for the nucleotide sequence at the viral DNA origin of replication.


Base substitution of the ori region of simian virus 40 leads to plaque morphology mutants with markedly decreased DNA replication. Second-site mutations within the simian virus 40 T antigen gene suppress the plaque phenotype and replication defect of base-substituted ori mutants. Two second-site mutations have been mapped to a small segment of the T antigen gene, just beyond the distal splice junction. DNA sequence analysis revealed a single missense change in this segment of the T antigen gene of each of these second-site revertants, leading to a change in codon 157 in one case and codon 166 in the other. The mutant T antigens displayed relaxed specificity for the ori signal, i.e., they can function with several variously modified ori sequences, including those with small nucleotide deletions or insertions that are inactive for replication when coupled with wild-type T antigen. Thus a region of T antigen has been identified that appears to be intimately involved in vivo in binding to the ori sequence to initiate viral DNA replication.

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