Simulação de escoamentos gás-sólido reativos em leitos fluidizados circulantes / Simulation of reactive gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized beds
Christian Léa Coelho da Costa Milioli
Circulating fluidized bed reactors are widely used in large scale applications such as catalytic cracking of petrol and coal combustion. Development and design in those areas are strongly based on demonstration plants, at extremely high costs. In this context, treatments applying computational fluid mechanics assume considerable relevance. The complex gas-solid flow patterns which develop inside the circulating fluidized bed reactors determine reaction rates, so that rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are required. The continuum Eulerian or two-fluid models are currently considered the more practical choice for providing such descriptions. Those formulations are based on the application of the continuum hypothesis for both macroscopically continuous and dispersed phases. In this work numerical simulation is performed to describe both hydrodynamics and reactive processes in circulating fluidized beds applying two-fluid modeling. Typical situations of circulating fluidized bed coal combustion are considered. The reactive process considered is the absorption of sulfur dioxide by limestone. Analyses are performed of hydrodynamics, and regarding hydrodynamic effects over the concerning reaction. Both steady state and transient simulations are performed. It is shown that steady state simulations allow qualitative analyses, and do provide initial conditions for transient runs straightly inside the statistical steady state flow regime. Concerning hydrodynamics, it is concluded that the current two-fluid models are still very crude. Clearly, better rheological descriptions are required alongside with more accurate sub-grid constitutive relations. Regarding chemical reaction, it is concluded that accurate reactive predictions shall only be found if rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are combined with equally rigorous reaction descriptions.
leito fluidizado circulante gas-solid flow simulação de dois fluidos two-fluid model escoamento gás-sólido two-fluid simulation circulating fluidized bed dessulfurization dessulfuração modelo de dois fluidos
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