"Sociedade do Conhecimento": um novo paradigma em favor da velha ordem. / âSociety of Knowledge": a new paradigm in favor of old order




The present work entitle: âSociety of Knowledge: a new paradigm in favor of old orderâ has a theoric bibliographic character and aspire to analyze under a critic perspective, duly fundamented in marxian-luckasian theory of centrality of work in reproduction of human life, the vinculation essentials between the social-educational of âsociety of knowledgeâ and the period of the structural crisis of Capital, demonstrating, that the mentioned paradigm as a phenomenon of ideologic reproduction in favor of market as organizative central force of human life. This way the priority of this work, is a critic investigation about the essence of paradigm of âsociety of knowledgeâ, so as to reaffirm the centrality of work in confront at the misrepresent identification between âsociety of knowledgeâ and surmount of capital. In this perspective are collocated in debate some fundamentals questions: Is possible to demarcate historically the appearance of âsociety of knowledgeâ? What did change in social scenery that would answer for the elevation of relate society? Until that point the âsociety of knowledgeâ would indicate a direct vinculation with the structural crisis of Capital and the project of re-structuration of system? What perspectives sight the called âsociety of knowledgeâ? In other words, what the mean philosophic-politic of this paradigm? Where reside her ideologic force? To who interest this paradigm that not avalanche any âcompetenceâ directed to exercise of organization and of collective fight with objective of touch in the heart of a system which obvious destructivity menace to collocate a final point in human specie? What the fundaments, of this paradigm? Finally, would be this a new paradigm to serve the old order of Capital? This work has the objective of indicate the complex of factors of sphere of social totality that furnish the material base the revolt of ideology of âsociety of knowledgeâ, we appeal beyond of Marx, at the studies of critical thinkers in the present period, which productions can offer importants contributions to a analyze duly fundamental of terms and the philosophic and political means of the actual debate. To finish, the paradigm of âsociety of knowledgeâ is inside of the permanent movement, but intensed for structural crisis of Capital, of re-structuration of Capital


educacao novos paradigmas sÃcio-educacionais centrality of work capitalismo "sociedade do conhecimento" new paradigm capital(economia) trabalho marxismo e educaÃÃo âsociety of knowledge" sociologia do conhecimento crise econÃmica socialismo e educaÃÃo

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