Some Properties of Influenza Virus Nucleocapsids


Nucleocapsids released from influenza virions by sodium deoxycholate sedimented heterogeneously in sucrose gradients. Highly infectious virus (complete) preparations yielded nucleocapsids with peak distributions at 64 and 56S; von Magnus type virus (incomplete) lacked 64S nucleocapsids. Treatment of influenza virus nucleocapsids with pancreatic ribonuclease rendered the associated viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules acid-soluble, indicating that capsid proteins do not completely surround the viral RNA's. However, the capsid proteins remained associated after enzymatic hydrolysis of the RNA, as judged by persistently high sedimentation rates. Sedimentation rates of viral nucleocapsids reflected the sedimentation rates of the associated RNA's: 64S nucleocapsids contained 18S RNA, whereas 56S nucleocapsids contained 15S RNA, although in both cases RNA's sedimenting at 4 to 13S were also recovered. Furthermore, just as incomplete virions lacked 64S nucleocapsids, they also lacked 18S RNA. These findings support the hypothesis that the influenza virus genome is divided among several distinct pieces of RNA.

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