Structural and functional alterations in microtubule protein from Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants.


We have examined mutant lines of Chinese hamster ovary cells that have increased resistance to the antimicrotubule drug Colcemid. Analysis of the functional properties of purified microtubule protein indicates that increased tolerance to the drug in vivo is reflected in altered properties of microtubules and tubulin in vitro. In this study, we have examined one series of related mutants and have found different microtubule alterations associated with each selection step. These changes include decreased Colcemid-binding affinity, an altered electrophoretic pattern of tubulin subcomponents, increased resistance to Colcemid inhibition of polymerization in vitro and, in one case, a decreased critical concentration for microtubule assembly. Characterized mutants of the class described here will be useful for probing the regulation of microtubule assembly in vivo.

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