Study of turbulent parameters and your relation with the coefficient reaeration with the use of the photographic technique / Estudo de parâmetros turbulentos e sua relação com o coeficiente de reaeração com o uso da técnica fotográfica




The importance given to the parameters of quality of the water, mainly in the last decades, it justifies the accomplishment of this work, that it investigates the relation of some turbulent parameters with the re-aeration coefficient, K IND.2 , through two different techniques of measure: the optic method and the photographic technique. The optic method relates the intensity of the light received by a immersed diode in the water with the vertical speed at the point where the measure is accomplished; the data collected by the optic method are electric signs that contains the information of the deformation of the surface. Thereafter this signs, the following parameters are determined: RMS value of tension, self-correlation function, macro-scale and spectrum. The results obtained for this method they are temporal functions. The photographic method consists of obtaining pictures of illuminated particles on the free surface of the water, with time of exhibition known. The method was improved by addition of two shots of flashes, to allow the determination of the variation of the speed. The pictures, then, are digitized in a graphic software and the values obtained are interpolated through the Kriging interpolation method. The photographic method is a spatial function. With the photographic method may be determined the following parameters: RMS value, self-correlation function and spectrum. The results obtained may provide the quantitative comparison between the self-correlation function and spectrum; and also the relation between the re-aeration coefficient, K IND.2 , and the RMS value, that are obtained through the probe and the picture


re-oxygenation turbulent parameters coeficiente de reaeração visualização do escoamento reoxigenação photographic method método fotográfico parâmetros turbulentos re-aeration coefficient visualization of the drainage

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