Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium with Unusual Morphology and Pigment Content


A dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated which differed in morphology and pigment content from previously described species. The organism was mesophilic, obligately anaerobic, gram-negative, nonsporulating, long, and slender with one polar flagellum. Whole cells fluoresced red at neutral pH when excited with light at 365 nm owing to the presence of a pink pigment. Desulfoviridin was present. Reduced minus oxidized spectra of whole cells showed peaks in the position of a c-type cytochrome characteristic of Desulfovibrio species and peaks at about 629 and 603 nm. CO difference spectra showed the presence of a CO-binding pigment with a peak at 593 nm. Lactate and pyruvate supported growth in the presence of sulfate but not in its absence. Sulfate, sulfite, and thiosulfate served as electron acceptors for growth. Hydrogenase was present. The deoxyribonucleic acid had a buoyant density of 1.722 g/cm3 and a guanosine plus cystosine molar percentage of total bases calculated by two different methods of 61.2 or 63.2.

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