Sutura manual e mecanica da anastomose esofagojejunal : analise clinica em 38 gastrectomias totais




The high morbimortality due to esophagus-jejunal anastomosis is widely known, specially regarding its dehiscence. The mechanical suture has made the realization of this kind of anastomosis easier and safer. Howerer the mais valeu, in relation to the manual anastomosis to, is not well defined. The objective of this study was the comparative analysis of both forms of esophagus-jejunal termino-terminal anastomosis, after total gastrectomy due to cancer. Two groups were observed: A- composed of 21 patients submitted to manual anastqmosis, and B- composed of 17 patients submitted to the mechanical technic. The complications, . the length of surgery time, the period of hospitalization after surgery and the costs were evaluated. The obtained results permitted the following conclusions: (1) The incidence of dehiscence of the esophagus-jejunal anastomosis was. similar in both groups: 9,5% in A and 5.9% in B; (2) Group A presented 50% of deaths due to fistula of the esophagus-jejunal anastomosis; (3) Group B did not present any death by the same cause and (4) The mechanical anastomosis presented a lower number of statistical significance. General complications, with no statistical significance.


suturas cirurgia - tecnica gastrectomia

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