T1DBase, a community web-based resource for type 1 diabetes research
Smink, Luc J.
Oxford University Press
T1DBase (http://T1DBase.org) is a public website and database that supports the type 1 diabetes (T1D) research community. The site is currently focused on the molecular genetics and biology of T1D susceptibility and pathogenesis. It includes the following datasets: annotated genome sequence for human, rat and mouse; information on genetically identified T1D susceptibility regions in human, rat and mouse, and genetic linkage and association studies pertaining to T1D; descriptions of NOD mouse congenic strains; the Beta Cell Gene Expression Bank, which reports expression levels of genes in beta cells under various conditions, and annotations of gene function in beta cells; data on gene expression in a variety of tissues and organs; and biological pathways from KEGG and BioCarta. Tools on the site include the GBrowse genome browser, site-wide context dependent search, Connect-the-Dots for connecting gene and other identifiers from multiple data sources, Cytoscape for visualizing and analyzing biological networks, and the GESTALT workbench for genome annotation. All data are open access and all software is open source.
http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=540049Documentos Relacionados
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