Tear production and conjunctival goblet cell density in Shih-tzu dogs / Produção lacrimal e densidade de células caliciformes conjuntivais em cães da raça SHIH-TZU




Considering the relevance of tear production and tear quality to the conservation of the corneal health, the present study aimed to evaluate tear production and conjunctival goblet cells density in Shih-tzu dogs. Thirty five grownup Shih-tzu dogs, including 33 females and 2 males, were subjected to Schirmer tear test 1 (STT-1) and Schirmer tear test 2 (STT-2). Among these dogs, fourteen females and one male were underwent to conjunctival biopsy for histologic evaluation of goblet cell density (GCD) and goblet cell index (GCI). The STT-1 mean values found were 19,66 7,3 mm/min for left eye (LE) and 21,97 5,7 mm/min for right eye (RE). The STT-2 mean values were 10,71 6,1 mm/min and 9,14 4,78 mm/min for LE and RE, respectively. The GCD mean values found were 13,64 3,44 goblet cells/50 epithelial cells for LE and 13, 64 4,07 goblet cells/50 epithelial cells for RE. The GCIs correspondent were 0,27 0,069 and 0,27 0,081 for LE and RE, respectively. There was significant difference between LE and RE STT-1 values. There was not significant difference between eyes for STT-2, GCD and GCI values. STT-1 and STT-2 values did not influence significantly GCI values. STT-1 and STT-2 values are within of the pattern considered normal, but the GCD and GCI mean values are lower than those values described in literature for healthy dogs of other breeds. The conjunctival specimens histological evaluation was accepted as convenient, which demonstrated squamous metaplasic areas in 83,3% of the specimens. Within 44% of these, squamous metaplasia was predominantly associated with mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate.


patologia clinica animal lágrima brachycephalic canino tear ocular ocular mucina braquicefálicos mucin canine

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